Thursday, June 13, 2013

Good Morning!

First off, let me introduce myself. My name is Jenna. I'm a nurse (a new nurse!). I'm a runner (not a jogger!). I'm a former fat kid.

When I was younger, my nickname was... wait for it... Chubber-Dubber. Oh yes. I was never really "fat" as a kid, but compared to my very slim older sister, I had some extra love hanging around my body. I don't remember it ever really mattering much to me in my younger years, though legend has it my sister called me fat one day and I didn't eat my lunch for a week.

It wasn't until I was older, 18-22ish, that I realized I had been gaining weight. I suppose it happens to many of us the same way. The Freshman Fifteen. Yes, I went to college and pack on the pounds from crappy food, crappy drinks, and no exercise.

The couple that shrinks together, stays together

At my highest weight, around 180lbs, I started to feel miserable. I was self conscious even though my boyfriend was madly in love with how I looked. He too was overweight. We ate crappy food together. But I was done. I bought The South Beach Diet book and began to change how I ate. I added in some walking/jogging and started to see the weight come off. I joined a gym, a real gym, and started lifting weights. I started running. I not so quickly came down to my lowest weight of about 126. I felt phenomenal! As time continued on, I continued to run (I just finished my first marathon!) and continued to lift weights and hit the gym. I try and eat healthy as much as possible, but from time to time I find myself going back to bad habits. Easy, crappy food that's just available.

Everyone always asked "How did you do it!?". There's no secret, it's hard work and dedication. It's moving more and eating better (note: I didn't say eating less!). It's a conscious decision to wake up today and not treat my body like crap! It's not easy.

So, why am I doing a 30 day cleanse when it seems I'm right on track? While keeping myself in a "maintenance" stage of life, I realized I still had more I wanted to accomplish on my journey. I never did get rid of that few pounds of fat on my stomach. I am NOT comfortable in a 2 piece, but will wear one with my boyfriend. I want to flush out the bad stuff I sometimes still put in and see what this body of mine can really do. I'm hoping to see a change in energy levels, and lowering of that cellulite that somehow creeped onto my chicken legs, and add some nice muscle.

So welcome to my journey. If you googled and found me this way, I hope I can give you the answers you're looking for. I spent weeks searching for other people's results. I feel like it's only fair that I share mine.

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